P80b FAP R1
New version and releases
( You must have the first version of this plane )
I add new textures for the pilot, and movements, have also oxigen mask.
New separate bombs "the FAP Bombs" because news projects overright
the Mk82 bombs original files and create some incorrections.
Canopy now open. «I start now new realistic cockpit it's the next release soon»
The throttle are in position and works.«next release is a real throttle too»
The gear are now sincronize with the new sound file.
New sound file for the guns.
The plane are now more manobrable «new releases for the ailerons»
The perfomance are now mutch better.«new airfoils»
I hope you enjoy this new version.
I remenber this base model are made by Kurt Wheton,"Good Bless you Kurt!!!"
And now same screenshots.
Download this new version "The p80bFAP R1"
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