F86 Sabre FAP
My second project my favorite aircraft North American F86 Sabre
The things I made are from base model F86f from Zurawsky, for me it's a great work done
It liked to remember and to point out since already words of I appraise for all the constructors of models that have given all to its time and its great part of its life to this exorciser For them my great obliged sincere and that they never leave of making. I want to thanks to all those that contribute has given always to its and expressed its ideas, that min stops has been basic since it begins of this mine project to put Portugal my country in the FSDOE
The my great gratefulness since already; Aladar, Raider, Gustavo, Phil, TailGunner, Tailside, Luis Fernando Lemos, Zurawsky and Kurt Weaton.
Now the Sabre FAP model
Move canopy
Have a realistic skin Esquadra 51 FAP "Falcões"
New tanks version from FAP
A realistic armament form FAP
A new real Squadron the FAP 51th "Falcões"
I change some lods and rename some parts for the real names
Create new file for the cockpit file and add a FAP pilot with his movements
Made new texture files for tires
This plane are totally independent plane. ( No need other planes instaled )
Are compactible with all plane packs.
The startup file in the SabreFAP.zip file are totally compactible.
You must install this file because add new addons for this plane.
This plane are in development its missing many things to do.
Please contribute.
Many thanks for all.
Some screenshots.
Option from loudout file "Heavystuff"
Canopy move
A panoramic view
A new real squadron the 51th "Falcões"
The F86 Sabre FAP
( Download now and enjoy! )
New file for Rockets AIM9B ( download
now and unzip to the media folder of your Fighter Squadron directory )
New Rockets The Sidewinder AIM9B ( used by FAP ( Portuguese Air Force ) on sabre jets )
New cockpit file The Manche Now you have
a Yoke ! ( download to your media folder of your Fighter Squadron directory )
Link to my Home page
This page are updated 14/07/2018